Set ulimits for a script started using systemd

Updated and migrated to Hugo Site. In my previous post I demonstrated how easy it was to start a script on boot using systemd in...

Linux find examples

The Linux find command is a very helpful and frequently used command. It is used to locate files and directories. It allows you to...

ECS Container state changes

Amazon Elastic Container Service - ECS allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. You can launch multiple containers in matter...

Setting DynamoDB TTL with Lambda Python

Background I use a lot of EC2 Spot instances and for audit/debugging purposes I like to keep track of EC2 instance state changes. I had...

Serverless – Scale up ECS Service with Lambda and Cloudwatch Events

Background When your service runs on an Auto Scale Group, it is very easy to add schedules to it to scale the service at a...

mongodb replica set using docker compose – part ii

In my previous post here I showed how to setup a mongodb replica set using docker-compose. While this worked fine for testing the database...

mongodb replica set using docker compose

In this post I am going to show how to setup a mongodb replica set using docker-compose for a development environment. This will allow...

Start multiple python processes using supervisor

In this post I am going to show how to start up multiple instances of a python app using supervisor on Ubuntu.  This will...

Must read

Start a script on boot using systemd

Updated and migrated to new Hugo Site. In this post...

AWS Lambda Layer example in python

Lambda Layers was one of the most exciting news...

mongodb replica set using docker compose

In this post I am going to show how...

Create S3 Bucket using Terraform

Updated on 17th June 2022. Tested build with Terraform...