Early Snow 2018

Winter is early this year! Not even Thanksgiving and we already got our first snow of the season! Normally in our town we never get...

AWS Step Function to start a server and set DNS

In my previous post here I shared information on how to start an EC2 server and then set its DNS. This needed a host to...

How to start and set DNS for an EC2 server using python

In this post, I will show how to start a stopped EC2 server and set a public DNS record for it. Background: AWS has a default...

How to detect change in AWS Security Group and take action

Security Groups are virtual firewalls that control the traffic to your AWS resources like EC2 and RDS. Your instances must have at least one...

Fall 2018

Its fall again and leaves on the tall trees are so colorful and look beautiful. I love it. This is definitely one of the best...

htpasswd using openssl

If you search online, how to add Basic Authentication to a Nginx site, you will find most articles refer to using htpasswd, which you...

This site setup

Last update on: 10th Mar 2019 I always wanted to try out Amazon Lightsail but never got around to it until now. What started as...

Must read

Start a script on boot using systemd

Updated and migrated to new Hugo Site. In this post...

AWS Lambda Layer example in python

Lambda Layers was one of the most exciting news...

mongodb replica set using docker compose

In this post I am going to show how...

Create S3 Bucket using Terraform

Updated on 17th June 2022. Tested build with Terraform...