Build and Push Docker image to Amazon ECR

Background In this post I am going to share a bash script that I use to build a docker container image from a Dockerfile and...

Update Image Using Packer

Background Recently I published a post to show how to remove old EC2 instances using a Lambda function. This in itself does not do much...

Set Retention For CloudWatch Logs Using A Lambda Function

Updated and migrated to new Hugo Site. In one of my earlier post, I demonstrated how one could set retention for CloudWatch Logs using CLI...

Lambda Function To Remove Old EC2 Instances

Background The firm where I am working right now has a strong emphasis on security for infrastructure in the public cloud. One of the security...

Schedule run of Step Function

In a previous post here I described how to start a server and set it's DNS record. In this case, I had to manually...

Serverless – Scale up ECS Service with Lambda and Cloudwatch Events

Background When your service runs on an Auto Scale Group, it is very easy to add schedules to it to scale the service at a...