Serverless – Scale up ECS Service with Lambda and Cloudwatch Events

Background When your service runs on an Auto Scale Group, it is very easy to add schedules to it to scale the service at a...

Queue up multiple instances of a shell script

Updated and migrated to Hugo Site. In this post, I am going to show you how to queue up multiple instances of a shell script...

Block a user agent using Cloudflare rule

A while ago I published a post showing how to start a script on boot using systemd. In the example I used a simple...
Monitor See below for Photo Credit

Site Monitoring Using A Lambda Function

Background I use a site monitoring service, which allows me to monitor my site by running a check every 5 minutes. When the site is...
Cookie the Pom

Analyze Apache Logs Using Athena

I usually use Linux utilities like grep and awk to analyze requests coming to my blog server. These utilities provide a good view into...

AWS Encryption CLI Examples

Background In this post I am going to demonstrate how to use the AWS Encryption CLI to perform client side encryption and decryption of files...