htpasswd using openssl

If you search online, how to add Basic Authentication to a Nginx site, you will find most articles refer to using htpasswd, which you...

Set ulimits for a script started using systemd

Updated and migrated to Hugo Site. In my previous post I demonstrated how easy it was to start a script on boot using systemd in...

Start multiple python processes using supervisor

In this post I am going to show how to start up multiple instances of a python app using supervisor on Ubuntu.  This will...

Add Expires Headers to your Nginx Configuration

In an earlier post, I explained how to add Expires Headers in Apache web server configuration. But what if you were running Nginx to...

Add Expires Headers to your Apache WordPress Configuration

Website need to render fast these days. No one likes to wait for a website to load. Users get frustrated and navigate away if...

mongodb replica set using docker compose – part ii

In my previous post here I showed how to setup a mongodb replica set using docker-compose. While this worked fine for testing the database...