Secure your WordPress login with Cloudflare Firewall

If you are running a WordPress website with no guest login and are using Cloudflare to protect and serve your website, you should make...

Use Redis as a cache on WordPress

Updated on Nov 15th 2020. On a busy website, there can be several reasons why your site is rendering slowly.  You might have a lot of poorly...

Block a user agent using Cloudflare rule

A while ago I published a post showing how to start a script on boot using systemd. In the example I used a simple...
Cookie the Pom

Analyze Apache Logs Using Athena

I usually use Linux utilities like grep and awk to analyze requests coming to my blog server. These utilities provide a good view into...

This site setup

Last update on: 10th Mar 2019 I always wanted to try out Amazon Lightsail but never got around to it until now. What started as...

Cache website on Cloudflare

In this post I am going to show you how you can configure Cloudflare 'Page Rules' to cache your site on their edge servers....