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Start a script on boot using systemd

Updated and migrated to new Hugo Site. In this post I am going to show how easy it is to setup a service or script to start when a Linux server boots up. The method...

mongodb replica set using docker compose

In this post I am going to show how to setup a mongodb replica set using docker-compose for a development environment. This will allow us to build and test applications that will be using...

htpasswd using openssl

If you search online, how to add Basic Authentication to a Nginx site, you will find most articles refer to using htpasswd, which you may not have on your server if you are using...

Set ulimits for a script started using systemd

Updated and migrated to Hugo Site. In my previous post I demonstrated how easy it was to start a script on boot using systemd in Linux. In this post I am going to show how...

Start multiple python processes using supervisor

In this post I am going to show how to start up multiple instances of a python app using supervisor on Ubuntu.  This will allow us to run more than one process, on a...

Add Expires Headers to your Nginx Configuration

In an earlier post, I explained how to add Expires Headers in Apache web server configuration. But what if you were running Nginx to serve your website. In this post, I am going to...

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