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AWS Lambda Layer example in python

Lambda Layers was one of the most exciting news out of AWS re:Invent 2018 for me. Using layers it is now possible to move runtime dependencies out of your function code by placing them in...
S3 with default SSE

Create S3 Bucket using Terraform

Updated on 17th June 2022. Tested build with Terraform version 1.2.3 and the latest AWS Provider v4.19.0. The latest provider has some changes related to adding lifecycle configuration. Background In an earlier post, I provided some...

AWS Lambda Layer for Python package requests

In my previous post, I made a layer for pymysql to access an RDS from Lambda. In this post, I will show how to make a layer for the Python package requests. This will...

Set Retention for CloudWatch Logs

Amazon provides us with CloudWatch logs to monitor, store and access log from various AWS services like, EC2 instances, Route 53, RDS, AWS CloudTrail, AWS VPC Flow Logs, Lambda and many others. By default CloudWatch...

Pass db credentials to Lambda using Parameter Store

If you are connecting to a RDS server from Lambda using native authentication method then you have to store user and password somewhere in the code or pass it as an environment variable to...

Setting DynamoDB TTL with Lambda Python

Background I use a lot of EC2 Spot instances and for audit/debugging purposes I like to keep track of EC2 instance state changes. I had a need to be able to quickly see when an...

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ECS Container state changes

Amazon Elastic Container Service - ECS allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. You can launch multiple containers in matter...

Update Image Using Packer

Background Recently I published a post to show how to remove old EC2 instances using a Lambda function. This in itself does not do much...

How to detect change in AWS Security Group and take action

Security Groups are virtual firewalls that control the traffic to your AWS resources like EC2 and RDS. Your instances must have at least one...