AWS Lambda Layer example in python

Lambda Layers was one of the most exciting news out of AWS re:Invent 2018 for me. Using layers it is now possible to move runtime...

Update Image Using Packer

Background Recently I published a post to show how to remove old EC2 instances using a Lambda function. This in itself does not do much...

AWS Encryption CLI Examples

Background In this post I am going to demonstrate how to use the AWS Encryption CLI to perform client side encryption and decryption of files...

AWS Step Function to start a server and set DNS

In my previous post here I shared information on how to start an EC2 server and then set its DNS. This needed a host to...

AWS Launch Templates

Launch Templates is a new capability from AWS that allows one to launch servers for an Auto Scale group, Spot Fleet and the regular...

ECS Container state changes

Amazon Elastic Container Service - ECS allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. You can launch multiple containers in matter...