AWS Encryption CLI Examples

Background In this post I am going to demonstrate how to use the AWS Encryption CLI to perform client side encryption and decryption of files...

ECS Container state changes

Amazon Elastic Container Service - ECS allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. You can launch multiple containers in matter...

Setting DynamoDB TTL with Lambda Python

Background I use a lot of EC2 Spot instances and for audit/debugging purposes I like to keep track of EC2 instance state changes. I had...

Serverless – Scale up ECS Service with Lambda and Cloudwatch Events

Background When your service runs on an Auto Scale Group, it is very easy to add schedules to it to scale the service at a...

Find AWS Resources with missing tags

Everyone who works with AWS resources at some point of time is asked how much is the spend for a project and in a...

Start EC2 and set DNS in CloudFlare using Lambda

In my previous posts, I showed two ways to set DNS for an EC2 server that does not have an Elastic IP attached to...